Flash Fiction | Flash Photography
Kit Sora Contest

Engen Books is proud to team with the imaginative and creative people of Kit Sora Photography to bring you the “Flash Fiction Photography Contest”!
Every month we’re going to upload one of the photos from the amazingly talented Kit Sora, a local Newfoundland artist known for her stunning work with props, lighting, and imaginative designs. Kit uses her art in a variety of fantastical settings, so we’re tasking the authors and creative minds of the Atlantic Provinces to write short fiction based on the subjects!
The catch: these entries must be short: a maximum of 250 words! Thus we have the Flash Fiction/ Flash Photography Prize from Engen Books and Kit Sora Photography. Every month Engen and Sora will select a winner from eligible entrants.
Winners will be crowned the prize-winner for that month and be allowed to use the title of “Prize/Award Winner — X Month” on their writing CV / resumé! Winners will be paid at a rate of 10 cents a word for their fiction and may be featured in an upcoming collection of Sora’s photography!
The Flash Fiction Photography Contest is sponsored in part by FictionFirst Used Books, which specializes in previously enjoyed Sci-fi & Fantasy Novels, Roleplaying Manuals and Graphic Novels. It is run out of the Annapolis Valley and open by appointment only. Their inventory is currently over 5000 titled strong and they ship within Canada, USA and Europe. You can find them on Facebook, here.
In order to be eligible, the work must not have been previously published. No more than two entries per photo, per author. Those who support Engen Books on Patreon may enter up to five entries per photo, per author. Visit the Engen Patreon to learn how to follow for as little as $1 a month and get exclusive contests. Entrant must share the contest post on facebook / social media / twitter.
For updates on winners and future contests from Kit Sora and all our fantasy authors, click to join the Fantasy Files newsletter and get a free book by Amanda Labonté and Ali House! Some future contest calls will be exclusive to the Fantasy Files newsletter, so make sure you subscribe and stay notified!
Sending Submissions
Send entries to: submissions@engenbooks.com with the subject: Kit Sora October 2023! Deadline is October 31 2023!
This month’s entry is the ‘Twinned‘ photo seen in the banner atop this page, supplied by Kit Sora Photography. Happy writing!