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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan is a freelance fiction editor, writer, and artist based in Mount Pearl, Newfoundland. She holds a BA in English from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.

As part of her work to help others bring their stories and skills into the industry, AJ has spoken at conventions and association panels for writers and editors since 2016. 

Ryan is currently one of four editors selecting stories for the as-yet unnamed 2SLGBTQIA+ collaboration collection between Engen Books and Quadrangle. In 2021 Engen Books released from Ryan Secret of the Ohks, a novella in the ongoing Slipstreamers series.

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The Fiction of AJ Ryan

Ryan is passionate about conveying stories with clarity and creativity. She also works to expand diverse representation in the industry by supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ writers and stories. This includes her work as a lesbian writer creating diverse romance novels.

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