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Writer's pictureErin Vance


I suppose I should start out with a greeting of some sort, because I feel as though most of you don't know who I am; which is fine! I don't know who you guys are either. The beauty of the internet, I guess. Those of you who do know me are probably here because you found a link on my Facebook (in which case: Hey. How you doing?).

My name is Erin Vance. I am a student in suspension (because I don't know my next step), I am an editor at Engen Books, and I am a Sobeys' clerk (you may have seen me there once or twice). I am often called any variation of weird, odd, strange, or crazy, and am owned by 3 Newfoundland dogs. I have a trampoline named Frank and a Grand Caravan named BeueI. I have 3 younger siblings, and a new cell phone that I am not yet comfortable with. I am also about to embark on a grand adventure: I am going to drive from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, British Columbia with my younger brother, Michael.

You may wonder why I'm telling you this, and the reason is: Because people want me to write a travel blog. And because I am curious about this idea, and on occasion like to make people happy, I have agreed to their request. Which is what this post is all about: My upcoming trip.

I'm not an author like Matt and Ellen - not yet, anyways - and so I don't have any thoughts or words of wisdom on how to write. All I have is my own random thoughts concerning a trip that's going to span, according to Google, over 7500 km, or 78 hours of driving. And that's if we go straight across, which we're not. Not really. We have too many things to see and do on our way.

(I'm kinda excited; can you tell?)

So. The beginning:

My brother worked for a construction company this summer. As things tend to go in Newfoundland, he found out there wasn't going to be much work come the fall, and with some planning and inspiration from my father, Michael decided to travel to figure out his next step. You know that old epic: Boy goes to seek his fortune and comes home a MAN. And I, being a nosy big sister, said, "Gosh, that sounds fun. Wish I could go."

(I am not joking about the 'gosh'. That is actually how I talk.)

To which my parents, being lovely people, answered, "Why don't you?"

And so Michael and I (and all of our luggage) are planning on getting in his Mitsubishi Eclipse Monday morning (like, before the sun comes up morning), and driving to Stephenville, and then catching a ferry and hitting the mainland. The journey is mostly plotted out, although I still have to figure out where we're staying in a couple of places.

I have a small suitcase full of clothes. I have a box full of books. I have a binder containing plans and hotel reservations. I have another box filled with food and some cooking utensils. I have a To-Do List that's only half done. I have another 4 shifts to do at work. And I have many people that still want to see me before I leave, because apparently 8 weeks is a very long time to be away.

Oh. That's right. We're going for 8 weeks. Maybe I should have started with that...

There is more I could say, but I think I will leave it at this for now. I should probably come up with a schedule of updates (I'll add that to the To-Do List...), but until that's finalized, everything's up in the air with this thing.

You may read if you want; come along on a journey. It might even be fun.

God bless,


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